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Learn the foods and training your genes respond to for the best results. 70 areas and 200 genetic markers tested. Also learn your genetics for inflammation, detoxification, hormones and more.

DNA Testing can take your Diet and Fitness to the next level! I’m offering my clients the Best DNA Test on the market. I’ve tried it and I know it works. My totalPower DNA results gave me new insight into my body and health. Learn about your body on a deeper level to target your unique strengths and weaknesses and reach your peak potential.

It’s an easy 10-second cheek swab sent that can be sent worldwide and done at home.

I offer the most comprehensive DNA test on the market to optimize your diet and fitness program. You won’t find a confidential test like this anywhere else.

- Dave

Why learn your DNA? Your DNA will show you:
- dietPower – learn your best, healthiest diet for life
- Reduce uncertainty and take a healthy, informed approach to your diet to optimize your weight and well-being! - - Learn the balance of carbs, fats, proteins and vitamins you need.
- fitPower – learn the optimal ways to exercise for your best body

Make your training sessions count! Learn the workout routine that fits your body and will produce the best results for you. More reps or less, extra support or rest to maximize muscle building.

Plus! healthPower and brainPower - Learn about your hormones, detoxification, inflammation and more.

Take power over your body! Unlock your full genetic potential to reach your peak performance. You owe it to yourself.

DNA Coaching
We all know coaching helps you get the best results. I have one of the world’s leading DNA diet and fitness experts available to support you with your DNA results – Carmen Tocheniuk, IFBB Professional Athlete, the DNA Diva.
Your DNA Custom Diet and Fitness Program Available
Have an expert DNA diet and fitness coach develop a personalized diet and fitness program for you. Let us help you improve your DNA

Learn the diet and fitness right for your unique body. Take an informed approach to your diet and training to develop the ideal program to optimize your results. 150 genetic markers tested. In addition, receive additional tests that provide important information about your body’s genetics for inflammation, detoxification, methylation, hormones and mental wellness.

What is included:


Diet Management: How your body burns fat, your sensitivity to carbohydrates and insulin, your cholesterol regulation, and your protein requirements to help determine your optimum diet.

Weight Response: Your body’s ability to control body mass index (BMI).

Food Tolerances: Your tolerances to alcohol, caffeine, salt, lactose, gluten and sugar craving.

Food Taste and Preferences: Your preference for caffeine, carbohydrates, fats, and protein as well as your taste for bitter, salt, sweet and nicotine.

Vitamins and Supplements: Your need for vitamins including vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B9 (folate), vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E as well as supplements such as Calcium, Iodine, Iron, Omega 3 and Omega 6 to stay healthy.

Reduce uncertainty and take a healthy, informed approach to your diet to optimize your weight and well-being!


Power and Endurance: Your genetic ability for high-intensity aerobic and longer endurance activities.

Injury and Recovery: Your susceptibility to joint, ligament or tendon injuries. How effectively your muscles recover and repair after exercise and how your overall body recovers.

Exercise Performance: How well your body regulates blood pressure and utilizes energy during exercise. How well you break down nutrients for energy during exercise and how well you manage oxygen during exercise.

Exercise Response: Your body’s ability to regulate blood sugar due to exercise and how well you manage cardiovascular health.

Make your training sessions count! Learn the workout routine that fits your body and will produce the best results for you.


Understand your genetic strengths and weaknesses through our healthPower and brainPower reports:

  • detoxificationPower - How effectively you manage detoxification within your body.
  • hormonePower - How well you manage estrogen and testosterone levels in your body.
  • inflammationPower - How effectively your immune system fights inflammation,
  • infection and tumours.
  • methylationPower - Your genetic composition results related to your methylation cycle.
  • brainPower - Your genetic composition results related to areas affecting your
  • mental wellness.

Take power over your body. Unlock your full genetic potential to reach your peak

What you will learn

Get full results! Testing includes:

  • dietPower
  • fitPower
  • detoxificationPower
  • hormonePower
  • inflammationPower
  • methylationPower
  • brainPower

Learn all you can about your genetic makeup so you can take action to be the healthiest you can be. Know how your body works and personalize your fitness routine and nutrition in a way that will maximize your health. This fully comprehensive package will provide you with actionable health guidance based on the relationship between nutrition, lifestyle and your genes to achieve lifelong gains in your health and wellness.

totalPower DNA Test Areas

Diet Test Areas What it Tells You
Diet Management Carbohydrates Your ability to process carbohydrates in your diet
Cholesterol – HDL How well you regulate good cholesterol
Cholesterol – LDL How well you regulate bad cholesterol
Fat – Dietary Your ability to metabolize fats in your diet
Fat – Stored How well you burn the fats stored in your body
Fat – Monounsaturated How well you metabolize monounsaturated fats
Fat – Saturated How well you metabolize saturated fats
Insulin Your ability to regulate blood sugar
Protein Need Your need for a normal amount of dietary protein
Protein Weight Response Your weight response to a high protein diet
Weight Response Body Mass Index Your ability to regulate your body mass index
Food Tolerances Alcohol How well your body tolerates alcohol
Caffeine How well your body processes caffeine
Gluten How well you digest gluten in your diet
Lactose How well your body digests lactose from dairy products
Salt How well you metabolize salt
Sugar Craving Your ability to resist sugar cravings and sweet foods
Food Taste and Preferences Caffeine Preference Your preference to consume a normal amount of caffeine
Carbohydrate Preference Your preference to consume a normal amount of carbohydrates
Fat Preference Your preference to consume a normal amount of fats
Protein Preference Your preference to consume a normal amount of protein
Bitter Taste Your ability to taste bitter flavors and foods
Salt Taste Your ability to taste salt and salty foods
Sweet Taste Your ability to taste sweet flavours and foods
Smoking Behaviour Your ability to respond normally to nicotine
Vitamins and Supplements

Vitamin A How well you convert vitamin A for healthy growth and immune response
Vitamin B6 How well you process vitamin B6 for macronutrient metabolism
Vitamin B9 (Folate) How well you process folate for cell growth and healthy red blood cells
Vitamin B12 How well you process vitamin B12 for healthy nerve and blood cells
Vitamin C How well you process vitamin C for growth and development
Vitamin D How well you process vitamin D to support calcium absorption and cell growth
Vitamin E How well you convert Vitamin E for antioxidant and anti-aging benefits
Calcium How well your body absorbs calcium for bones, teeth and muscles
Iodine How well your body transports iodine to support thyroid function
Iron How well your body regulates iron for red blood cells to carry oxygen
Omega 3 Your ability to process Omega 3 for metabolism, brain health and reducing disease
Omega 6 Your ability to process Omega 6 to support inflammation and cell repair
Fitness Test Areas What it Tells You
Power and Endurance Endurance Your potential to excel in endurance activities
Power and Sprint Your potential to excel in power, sprint and high-intensity activities
Injury and Recovery Ligament Strength How well your body maintains healthy ligaments.
Tendon Strength How well your body maintains healthy tendons.
Muscle Strength How predisposed you are for muscle strength and tone
Exercise Recovery How well you recover after exercise
Muscle Repair How well your muscles repair from physical activity
Exercise Performance Blood Pressure How well your body regulates blood pressure
Energy Availability How well you utilize energy during exercise
Energy Metabolism How well you break down nutrients for energy during exercise
Oxygen Uptake How well you manage oxygen during exercise
Exercise Response Blood Sugar Regulation How well your body regulates blood sugar due to exercise
Cardiovascular Health How well your body manages cardiovascular health
Ischemic Stroke Risk Have normal genetic risk for Ischemic Stroke
Detoxification Test Areas What it Tells You
Detoxification Phase 1 How well you manage oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis
Phase 2 – Acetylation How well you manage acetylation
Phase 2 – Conjugation How well you manage conjugation
Phase 2 – Methylation How well you manage methylation
Phase 2 – Oxidative Protection How well your body provides oxidative protection
Inflammation Test Areas What it Tells You
Immune Response Inflammatory Immune Response How well your body responds to inflammation, infection and fever
Tumour Response Inflammatory Tumour Response How well your body responds to tumors and acute inflammatory diseases
Hormone Test Areas What it Tells You
Hormone Health Biosynthesis of Androgens and Estrogens How effectively your body synthesizes sex steroids, estrogen and androgen
Phase 1 – Metabolism Your ability to metabolize estrogen
Phase 2 – Elimination Your ability to eliminate estrogen
Methylation Test Areas What it Tells You
Methylation – FUT2 How effectively you maintain plasma B12 concentrations throughout the methylation cycle
Methylation – TCN2 How effectively you transport Vitamin B12 in the methylation process
Methylation – SHMT1 How effectively you converse homocysteine to methionine and your bioavailability of active folate
Methylation – MTHFR How effectively you metabolize folate (5-MTHF)
Methylation – MTR How efficiently you transform homocysteine to methionine
Methylation – MTRR How efficiently you re-methylate cobalamin back to methylcobalamin


Mental Wellness Test Areas

What it Tells You


Your normal genetic risk of Alzheimer’s


Your ability to recover normally from concussion


Your ability to respond normally to cortisol


Your ability to manage depression

Emotional Eating

Your ability to eat normally when emotional or under stress


Have normal genetic risk of developing Parkinson’s