ROIDTEST Starter Set - a multi-test system for the identification of anabolic steroids.
ROIDTEST™ is a multi-test system for the identification of anabolic steroids. Similar to the presumptive field kits used by Law Enforcement and Customs officials for identifying illegal drugs, it contains reagents that produce color reactions upon contact with different steroid substances. These tests are highly sensitive, and require less than 1mg of drug for a visible reaction. You simply place a few drops of liquid, or a dash of the powder you want tested, into the provided ampule(s), and check the color reaction(s) against a provided chart. In minutes you will see if the substance has been identified. ROIDTEST is fast acting, portable, and comparatively inexpensive in light of the potential increased security and savings it provides.
William Llewellyn (ANABOLICS Author) is a founding partner of the manufacturing company. ROIDTEST™ is also distributed in the USA by Dave Palumbo Enterprises.
The ROIDTEST Advanced Field Kit was designed to provide more versatility than the Individual Testing Kits, and is capable of identifying nearly 20 different anabolic steroids. Furthermore, in addition to testing oils and pills, the Advanced Field Kit also includes the necessary components for the analysis of raw (pure) powders. Each Kit contains:
- Steroid ID™ Technology. The Most Advanced Identification System.
- 1 Test Multi-Steroid (Ampules A+B): Boldenone Undecylenate • Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone • Drostanolone (Enanthate, Propionate) • Fluoxymesterone • Mesterolone • Methandrostenolone • Methasteron • Methenolone (Acetate, Enanthate) • Nandrolone (Decanoate, Phenylpropionate) • Norethandrolone • Testosterone (Cypionate, Enanthate, Propionate, Sustanon 250) • Trenbolone (Acetate, Enanthate)
- 1 Test (Ampule C): Oxandrolone, Stanozolol
- 1 Test (Ampule D): Oxymetholone
- 365nm UV Light
- (4) Sample Applicators
- Instructions
- Color Reaction Chart
- Protective Carry Case
The next generation ROIDTEST kits are even more accurate and sensitive to revealing the identity of whatever substance you’re testing. You may be wondering, how do you determine which refill vials to purchase now that we’re selling VIAL A, VIAL B, VIAL C and VIAL D refills. Well, it’s very simple. Check out the RECOMMENDED TESTING LIST (below) and depending on which anabolic steroid you’ll be testing, the chart tells you which VIALS you should purchase. If you look over the chart, you’ll notice that VIAL D is used for almost all injectable steroids (it’s the most accurate for them) and VIAL C is used for most oral compounds (it’s the most accurate for them). The VIAL A and VIAL B are confirmation tests that validate and confirm the results from the first test.
For example, if you look at the first line in the chart, the recommended test for Boldenone (Equipoise) is VIAL D and VIAL B. So when purchasing refills, purchase VIAL D and VIAL B (you’ll received 2 VIAL D and 2 VIAL B in each refill kit. This will enable you to test 2 separate compounds). If this is your first purchase, I would suggest buying the ADVANCED FIELD TEST (which contains one VIAL A, VIAL B, VIAL C and VIAL D). Then purchase refills (as needed) for the future tests you may want to perform.